Saturday, December 8, 2007

To everyone

Sorry, I guess I can`t attend school anymore

I`m goin back to Korea, due to many problems of mine

Please understand my situation

It was my pleasure to meet you all and thank you so much since.

hope to see you later

so long

Saturday, November 3, 2007


Feelin terrible...

Woke up late, disappointed others.

What a crap! and I missed something important?

All that because of working of that presentation.

It messed up everythin

even my crappy test.


What am I gonna do now?

now I learned that life is tough

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Late at night

But I can`t sleep yet.

Don`t know why, just sittin front of my laptop.

Today`s group reading activity was successful and satisfied.

Kinda...Big one?

But was screwed up also, that I late for the class in the morning.

And`s almost about 0019hour

So I gotta go to bed.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Terrible day

조지 개쉬키...걸리믄 죽는다

a kid...

just kid makes me crazy.

why? bcause it`s kid.


This is Good good footprint of my blog...
